Tha Highland Fling a’ leantainn droch fhortan Sheumais – Albannach òg le feis, gaol agus roc is rol air inntinn. Air a ghaol gràdhach, Oighrig, a phòsadh o chionn ghoirid, tha a dhèidh ana-mheasarra ga lorg ann an cuideachd sìthiche ghothach fhiadhaich. Mar a tha a ghaol don t-sìthiche bhòidheach neònach seo ga bheò-ghlacadh, tha Seumas a’ togail air air turas oillteil a tha ga thoirt bho shràidean dorcha agus clubaichean oidhche Ghlaschu gu saoghal eile, seachad air fìorachd agus reusan. Air a riochdachadh gu tur le Scottish Ballet, tha Highland Fling aig Matthew Bourne mar La Sylphide do ghinealach Trainspotting.
This production is taking place at Lewis Sports Centre / Ionad Spòrs Leòdhais.
Advance booking at An Lanntair Box office until 5pm on the day of the performance, after which tickets will be available for collection/purchase at Ionad Spòrs Leòdhais.
Age guidance: 14+ (Contains adult themes).
‘This is one of the funniest, funkiest, most irresistibly infectious ballets I have ever had the delight to sit through’– Daily Mail
Wit, elegance and startling energy…
The Telegraph – 4*
It also proves that not only do these dancers have great technique; they can carry a character with confidence and credibility.
The Scotsman 4*
In soaring romance and heart rending tragedy, company and choreographer show off the extent of their considerable talents.
The Stage
A riot of laughter…
The Times 4*
Ticket price includes booking fee.