Our Hebrides International Film Festival (HIFF) is packing a major environmental punch this year!
The award-winning documentaries like A Call From the Wild, One with the Whale, Wilding and Food, Inc. 2, all bring into focus our need for adaptation and change in thinking about climate issues in every aspect of our daily lives.
We have found unusual documentaries from Scottish film-makers which give a window into our perceptions of the wider world. The work of film artists and the kind of creative dialogues around climate that they create are helping us to adapt. HIFF is pleased to have secured two special UK screenings of the Mike Day film Cowboys Poets.
For the drama programme, we have looked for strong storytelling and films that ask us to reflect on contemporary society; additionally, we have outward looking high quality award winning films from other countries.
We are presenting international films island audiences can enjoy, discuss afterwards and find inspiring. In approaching our programming, we would really like to see more Scottish /Island originated film and Gaelic language feature film being made so, Silent Roar, Alasdair Gray: A Life in Progress and the Irish films Foscadh and Kneecap are the closest we can get this year.
Our Film Festival aims to reach island audiences in their community venues, to support film events in diverse locations and encourage the wonderful volunteer promoters in these venues to screen more film. We hope that you enjoy our exciting collection of films and the outdoor events which are part of this island Festival.
Muriel Ann Macleod, Film Programmer at HIFF2024 working in partnership with Kevin Smith, An Lanntair and Tara Drummie, Associate Festival Producer, Uist & Barra and the Island venue promoters.
An Lanntair Programme
Tue 1 Oct
11am: It’ll Never Work – Supporting short: The Custodians
2pm: Scrapper – Supporting short: What’s Up With the Sky
5pm: Deep Sea – Supporting short: Sassuma Arnaa – Mother of the Sea
7.30pm: Cowboy Poets – Supporting short: Truluck
Wed 2 Oct
11am: Geographies of Solitude – Supporting short: Kelp
2pm: The Lost Salmon – Supporting short: Puffling
5pm: A Call from the Wild – Supporting short: And So It Was
7.30pm: Silent Roar -Supporting short: Le Chéile
Thur 3 Oct
11am: Eco Shorts
2pm: Food Inc. 2 – Supporting short: Crow Country
5pm: Touch – Supporting short: And So It Was
7.30pm: Alasdair Gray: A Life in Progress – Supporting short: Faodail : Found
Fri 4 Oct
11am: One With the Whale – Supporting short: The Custodians
2pm: Foscadh – Supporting short: Spirit of Place
5pm: Notes from Sheepland – Supporting short: M’athair an t-iasgair
7.30pm: Four Daughters – Supporting short: The Storm Chaser
Sat 5 Oct
11am: The Mountain – Supporting short: Sassuma Arnaa – Mother of the Sea
2pm: Kenuke’s Kingdom – Supporting short: What’s Up With the Sky
5pm: Wilding – Supporting short: Two Kinds of Water
7.30pm: Kneecap – Supporting short: The Storm Chaser