UPDATE, November 2024: the Foyle Foundation’s funding support for our Artist Support programme has now come to an end. However our Artist Gatherings and Songwriters Circle will continue under other funding programmes and Andrew can continue to advise artists in his new role of Even Here, Even Now communications and advocacy lead.


Our Artist Support programme is here to help island-based artists – across all disciplines, from visual artists and film to music and theatre – with anything they need, from writing funding applications and seeking work opportunities to developing new ideas or just trying to find your creative voice.  

Everything we do is free, and includes a mentoring programme, monthly social events, an ‘open work space’ online, a podcast, and one-to-one advice and support sessions with our artist support co-ordinator Andrew Eaton-LewisIf you’re an artist – with any level of experience – and are looking for support, contact andrew@anlanntair.com to find out more, join our artist support mailing list, or book an advice session. 

An Lanntair’s artist support programme is currently supported by the Foyle Foundation, and includes: 

Artist Gatherings
Monthly, dates vary
An Lanntair’s monthly Artist Gatherings are a chance to socialise, exchange ideas, and watch presentations and performances by other island artists plus special guests from the mainland. Keep an eye on An Lanntair’s events listings for future dates, or email andrew@anlanntair.com to be added to our artist support mailing list. 

Artist Sharings
Monthly, dates vary

Our Artist Sharings are small, private gatherings at An Lanntair where three to four people at a time take turns to share something they are working on – a painting, a series of photographs, a piece of music or writing etc – and everyone else offers their thoughts. The model for these sessions is Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process, which emphasises dialogue and useful questions over criticism. If you’re in the process of making something and are unsure about what sort of response it will get from other people, our Artist Sharings are a safe space to explore this. To apply to be part of an Artist Sharing, email andrew@anlanntair.com.

Artist MentoringWith funding from the Foyle Foundation, An Lanntair is currently supporting 16 artists – across various ages, creative disciplines and levels of experience – to be mentored by experienced professionals for up to ten one-hour sessions, in person or online. While the programme is fully subscribed at the moment, we hope to be able to offer more places later in 2024. 

Songwriters CircleMonthly, dates varyOur monthly songwriters’ circle is an opportunity to share your music with other songwriters. With no audience and no expectations, you can try out new ideas, ask for feedback, and perhaps even find someone new to collaborate with. See An Lanntair’s events listings for details.

Artist Support Podcast
New for 2024, our Artist Support Podcast is a series of interviews in which musicians, visual artists, film-makers and more talk about living a creative life in the Outer Hebrides, in conversation with artist support co-ordinator Andrew Eaton-Lewis. 

Free one-to-one advice sessions
An Lanntair’s artist support co-ordinator is here to help! If you’d like a one-to-one meeting – to seek advice or feedback on creative ideas or funding/job applications, discuss career development, or just have a chat about anything at all – then contact andrew@anlanntair.com. Andrew has worked in the arts in Scotland for over 20 years as a producer, festival and events programmer, an arts editor for a national newspaper, a media consultant and a musician, and has a particularly interest in creative development and mental health. He is usually in An Lanntair each Wednesday but works three days a week and can potentially come to where you are on other days, either in person or by Zoom.