Are you interested in submitting an exhibition proposal to us? An Lanntair has several exhibition spaces, from the main gallery (which puts on major touring and curated exhibitions), to the Cafe/Bar and the Mezzanine galleries.
If you are thinking of submitting a proposal to us, here are some helpful recommendations before sending us your application.
An Lanntair’s exhibitions programme is a curated programme, led by our Head of Visual Arts and Literature, Roddy Murray. This means we actively research and select the artists and exhibitions that we feel contribute to the ethos and mission statement of the organisation and our programming principles. We aim to programme exhibitions of national or international weight and complexity in the Main Gallery, and a celebration of local and emerging artists and the work from residencies and outreach programmes in the public spaces on the Mezzanine walkway and Café Bar areas.
The exhibitions programme is established up to three years in advance. Whilst the majority of our exhibitions develop from the above mentioned curatorial process, we are however always interested in receiving expressions of interest from individuals or agencies for exhibitions with us here at An Lanntair.
How to put together a proposal
Your proposal should include a brief one page description indicating the type of work you plan to exhibit, some information about the work itself (including dimensions, materials, and any special hanging or display requirements), and a selection of images of the proposed work itself. An Artist CV including exhibition history must be included in the proposal, as well as contact details. If submitting video work, links to Artist websites, vimeo or youtube are preferable to sending large files.
The exhibition spaces
Before submitting an application, it is worth being aware of the different spaces available in An Lanntair. The main gallery is used for showing the work of established artists, our Open exhibition Grinneas Nan Eileen, specially commissioned work, and for touring exhibitions. This space is generally booked out long in advance, so proposals to the main gallery should be made at least 2-3 years in advance of exhibition.
Exhibitions in the Cafe/Bar and mezzanine level can similarly be booked out in advance, and are used for displaying the work of local artists, touring exhibitions, and for up and coming artists.
Sending in your application
All applications should be sent to Roddy Murray, head of Visual Arts & Literature. Roddy can be contacted at roddy@anlanntair.com
Postal applications can be sent to:
Roddy Murray, Head of Visual Arts & Literature, An Lanntair, Kenneth Street, Stornoway, Outer Hebrides, Hs1 2DS
What happens next?
We endeavour to reply to each submission received, confirming receipt of application. An Lanntair has a curatorial committee who meet several times a year to look over proposals. Each proposal is reviewed and then evaluated against our wider programme. Applicants will be notified after each meeting, which takes place quarterly. If you have not heard from us after 12 weeks please get in touch.