Tormod Smith : Pirate and sea stories
P1 – P3 Gaelic
Leughaidh Tormod bho cuid de na sgeulachdan aig Acair mu dheidhinn an t-seòladh is spùinneadaireachd a tha gu mòr a’ còrdadh ri duine – bith e a’ cleachdadh “props” a bheir cothrom don chloinn gabhail beagan de phàirt sna sgeulachdan. Bha Tormod aig muir airson iomadach bliadhna, ach saoil an è spùinneadair da-rìreibh a bh’ann dheth??
Tormod will read from some of Acair’s best-loved sea-themed and pirate stories – he will use some props to allow the children to take some part in the stories. Tormod was at sea for many years, but could he have been a real pirate??
Storytelling sessions available in your school from Mon 5 – Fri 9 Nov. To book a session for your class, contact our Education and Outreach team on 01851 708493 or email