Faclan Òga: Màiri NicGillìosa

As part of Faclan: The Hebridean Book Festival, a number of inspiring author talks are available for schools through Faclan Oga.

Uncail Dod agus na Dìneasairean

Am faigh Uncail Dod air Inneal Tìm a dhèanamh airson an co-là-breith aig Càra is Cailean? Tha na càraidean airson siubhal air ais gu linn nan dìneasairean. Ach tha coltas gu bheil Uncle Dod ro thrang, agus tha e den bheachd gum biodh Inneal Tìm fada ro chunnartach. “Nan coinnicheadh sibh ri T-Rex, chan fhaicinn tuilleadh sibh.” Ach tha beachdan eile aig Uncail Dod. An dùil am faic iad na dìneasairean? Agus a bheil dha-rìribh T-Rex air falach am badeigin faisg orra?

Will Uncle Dod manage to make a Time Machine for Cara and Colin’s birthday?  The twins are going to be ten, and they want to go back to the Age of the Dinosaurs.  But it seems that Uncle Dod is too busy, and he says that a Time Machine would be too dangerous.  “If you were to meet a T-Rex, I wouldn’t see you again.” But Uncle Dod has other ideas. Do you think they will see the dinosaurs? And is there really a T-Rex hiding somewhere near them?

Dates: available during w/c 28th October
Suitable for: P4 – P7
Language: Gaelic
Location: Your School
Cost: Free

Mary Gillies won a writing competition run by Acair and Western Isles Libraries with this new story.  She will tell the children about how the book began and how the characters were created.  She will read excerpts from the book and engage the children in an activity creating fun descriptions of dinosaurs.

To book a talk in your school, email moira@anlanntair.com

Faclan Òga is supported by the Scottish Book Trust Live Literature Fund

Uncail Dod agus na Dìneasairean is published by Acair.  It will be released during Book Week Scotland.