As part of Faclan: The Hebridean Book Festival, a number of inspiring author talks are available for schools.
An Cat Coigreach le June Ghreumach
’S e cat dubh a th’ ann am Pangur agus tha e a’ fuireach gu dòigheil leis a theaghlach ann am Bern, baile brèagha san Eilbhis – gus an latha a tha iad a’ cur romhpa tilleadh a dh’Alba.
Pangur is a black cat living happily with his family in Bern, a beautiful city in Switzerland – until they decide to return to Scotland. Pangur doesn’t believe in the land of fairies, and he doesn’t believe in Scotland either!
Dates: Mon 28th October or Fri 1st November
Suitable for: P4 – P7
Language: Gaelic
Location: Your School
Cost: Free
To book an event in your school, email
Faclan Òga is supported by the Scottish Book Trust Live Literature Fund