Thèid Mòd Ionadail Leòdhais a chumail eadar an 4mh agus an 7mh den t-Ògmhios 2024 ann an Steòrnabhagh, le measgachadh de dh’ fharapaisean a’ gabhail àite thairis air an t-seachdain. Bidh cothrom ann èisteachd ri farpaisean seinn, còisir, beul-aithris, ionnsramaid agus mòran eile. Nach tig sibh còmhla rinn!
The Lewis Provincial Mod will take place between the 4th and 7th of June 2024 in Stornoway, with competitions taking place throughout the week. You can listen to a variety of competitions including singing, choirs, oral competitions, instrumental and much more. Here’s what’s on in An Lanntair during Mod week. Be sure to join us!
Mòd Ionadail Leòdhais 4-7 Ògmhios ¦ June 2024
Dimàirt ¦ Tuesday 4 Ògmhios ¦ June
£3 per day ¦ U16s free
10:00 Drama Competitions (Primary Schools)
13:00 Drama Competitions (Primary Schools)
Diciadain ¦ Wednesday 5 Ògmhios ¦ June
£3 per day ¦ U16s free
09:30 Girls Solo Singing (P6-7 Fluent)
11:30 Boys Solo Singing (P6-7 Fluent)
14:00 Girls Solo Singing (P6-7 Learner)
15:00 Girls & Boys Silver Pendant
15:45 Traditional Singing Primary
Diardaoin ¦ Thursday 6 Ògmhios ¦ June
£3 per day ¦ U16s free
10:00 Cèilidh Groups (Primary Schools)
14:00 Cèilidh Groups (Secondary Schools)
15:00 Sgeulachd (Secondary)
Dihaoine ¦ Friday 7 Ògmhios ¦ June
£3 per day ¦ U16s free
10:00 Primary School Choirs (Unison Singing – School roll of 101 or over)