‘CLEAS’ Club Dràma airson clann aois Bun Sgoil. Ma tha tha ùidh agad ann an dràma seo an club dhut’sa! Cothrom sgilean ùra ionnsachadh agus ar sgilean Gàidhlig a neartachadh. Bidh an t-uabhas spòrs againn a’ cur dealbhan-cluich ri chèile le caraidean ùra.
‘S e pròiseact ann an com-pàirteachas a tha seo eadar an Lanntair agus Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) is air a libhrigeadh le Sean Macleoid aig CnaG.
‘CLEAS’ Gaelic Drama Club for Primary School pupils. If you love Drama then this is the Club for you to use and develop your Gaelic! A fantastic opportunity to learn lots of new drama skills and techniques, have lots of fun creating and performing plays with new friends!
This Block of Drama classes is a partnership between An Lantair and Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) and delivered by CnaG’s Sean Macleod.
We can make tickets available free of charge for children who would benefit from ‘Cleas’ Club Dràma, but for whom cost would be a barrier. Contact moira@anlanntair.com or joe@anlanntair.com for details.
Children should be accompanied into the building and collected promptly at the end of the class.
*English language Drama Clubs run on Saturday mornings*