Artist Gathering

Fri 20 Sept

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Call: 01851 708 480

An Lanntair’s Artist Gatherings are monthly social events for island artists of all disciplines, from music, film and theatre to visual art and design. You do not need to be established or professional to come along – everyone is welcome and we are here to support all forms of creativity.

Each month we invite different artists to talk about their work. In September we will welcome two visiting guests – musician Amble Skuse and conceptual artist and writer Bosko Begovic – as well as Lewis-based singer-songwriter Michael Winder.

Amble (below) and Bosko (above) are in Lewis to develop their work All who are weary and heavy-laden, I will give you rest. The work explores the concept of burden as it relates to disabled people and uses stones as a metaphor. Bosko wears a suit loaded with stones, each representing a burden, as the burden suit becomes weighted his movement changes and his balance is unsettled. His movements are tracked by body sensors which trigger interviews from disabled people around the topic.

Amble and Bosko’s work explores interdependence, with the work only being created when both aspects of the work are connected through body sensors, the movement and the sound patch.

Michael Winder has been playing in bands since the 1980s; his first live appearance at An Lanntair will showcase some of the witty and poetic solo songs he has written since moving to the Isle of Lewis.

This event is part of An Lanntair’s Artist Support Programme, supported by the Foyle Foundation.

If you’d like to share your work at a future Artist Gathering, contact Andrew Eaton-Lewis at All contributors will be paid a fee.