A Danish anthropologist now living in the Faroes, Susanne Barding’s account of life as a young woman in Berneray in 1970 – 72, is a comprehensive record of the island at a singular point in time. Bolstered with many stories and personal anecdotes it reveals a life dominated by hard work and economic necessity. On the croft, at sea, in an unforgiving climate and within sometimes restrictive social conventions, which yet underpinned a rich and distinctive Gaelic culture.
It covers land use, the seasonal movement of livestock to and from offshore islands, fishing, peat-cutting, domestic life, Gaelic traditions, the church, and the role of men and women, young and old, in their interactions, personal challenges and social life.
The Beàrnaraigh na Hearadh event will include a screening of the film Marram, directed by Elspeth Turner and Robbie Jones
Ann am Marram, tha stòiridh air innse mu theaghlach ann an eilean Innse Gall an Alba. Fad is a tha iad a‘ deanamh moran strì gu am mac gràdhach a thuigsinn is a bheothachadh, tha am muran a dh’ fheumas iad airson mullach an taighe a chòmhdach, air fàs gann bho cnàmhadh talmhainn-a-chladaich.
Marram tells the story of a family on a Scottish Hebridean island. While they are going to great lengths to understand and revive a beloved son, the marram grass they need to thatch the roof over their heads recedes from a gradually eroding coastline.