Ballrachd a’ Bhùird: An Lanntair a’ lorg Gàidheal òg airson a’ bhùird stiùiridh.
Tha An Lanntair a’ sireadh iarrtasan ’son ball ùr a dhol air a’ bhòrd stiùiridh. Tha An Lanntair na àite cudromach a tha a’ brosnachadh, a’ leasachadh agus a’ cruthachadh ealain na Gàidhlig sna h-Eileanan is air feadh na dùthcha. Tha sinn an-dràsta a’ lorg neach le Gàidhlig ’son a’ bhòrd stiùiridh, neach fo aois 35 bliadhna, ’son ar cuideachadh le ar slighe air adhart.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Dàibhidh Green, Cathraiche a’ Bhùird aig david.southdell@btinternet.com.
Airson cur a-steach, cuir iarrtas goirid gu Dàibhidh Green ag innse carson a tha thu a’ cur a-steach agus cò iad na sgilean is comasan agad a fhreagradh air a’ bhòrd-stiùiridh.
Tha an dreuchd seo gun tuarastal. Ceann-là airson iarrtasan: 23 Dùbhlachd 2016.
Board recruitment: An Lanntair is seeking a Gaelic speaking young person as a new board member.
An Lanntair would like to invite expressions of interest for a new board member. An Lanntair has an important role to play as a hub for the promotion, production and development of the Gaelic arts, locally and nationally. We are currently seeking a Gaelic speaking board member, ideally under the age of 35 years to support us with the strategic development of the organisation.
For further information, please contact David Green, Chairman of the Board on david.southdell@btinternet.com.
To apply, please submit a short application to David Green setting out your reasons for applying and the skills and knowledge you would bring to the role.
This is an unpaid position. Deadline for applications: 23rd December 2016.
Image: By Niteworks – for more details on their upcoming show at An Lanntair click here.