Aisling Oidhche Meadhan Samhraidh : Matinee for schools

Thursday 5th October, 2 – 2.45pm

‘Aisling Oidhche Meadhan Samhraidh’ is a Gaelic Adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  Secondary School Gaelic classes are invited to attend this matinee performance.

It’s midsummer nights and there’s definitely a tale to tell.  What with the war between the King and Queen of the fairies, the lovers lost in the woods and the amateur actors rehearing their play – there is some buffoonery to be had in this famously funny Shakespeare tale in Gaelic.

We are treated to a performance of magic, mischief, trickery and love with the help of an old boot, plastic bag and brick!  Combine that with the wonderful ad hoc performance talents of David Walker this show is a unique experience in Gaelic theatre.   Coming from the critically acclaimed team who brought Macbeatha to the Edinburgh Festival Stage, this play mixes the rich poetic language of Shakespeare with some perfectly scripted contemporary belly laughs.

A theatre workshop suitable for Secondary Gaelic speaking pupils is available on Wednesday 4th October in your school.  Free

Contact to book seats for your school.