Year of Young People 2018 is a celebration of the nations young people. It is an opportunity to highlight the amazing resource that young people are and give them a platform and a voice make show everyone what they are capable of.
As part of the YOYP 2018 An Lanntair has received funding from EventScotland to put on a youth arts festival by young people for young people. The festival is called Las! / Ignite! and will not only highlight the incredible creative talent of young people form the Outer Hebrides but will give the young people a real and tangible opportunity to learn the skills needed in creating an exciting week long arts festival.
TO keep up to date on the festival news visit the Las!/Ignite Blog.
If you would like to be part of creating the Las! / Ignite! festival please get in touch.
Ella Macaulay Las! / Ignite! Festival coordinator
If you want to find out about all the events happening during the Year of Young People 2018 visit; http://www.visitscotland.com/yoyp2018