Tom’s exhibition was as much a homage and testament to an extraordinary artist and collector, the core of this exhibition was a series of gorgeous, narrative stump-work embroideries of biblical scenes, from the Garden of Eden to Noah’s Ark to the Nativity. Also displayed were a wide range of rare, unusual and esoteric works from Tom’s collection. These included furniture pieces, naïve folk art and complex and beautiful assemblages created from shells from South West Australia to North West Scotland.
This is an opportunity to revisit this amazing exhibition by Tom Hickman. You can engage with the virtual tour in the usual way except that with this one you can click on the Hot Spot icons to be taken to another position in the gallery. Keep an eye out for the icons in each scene and make your way around the exhibition. You can also select the ‘view thumbnail’ icon in the menu to jump to any position that you want to in the tour.
Before you select ‘exit’ in the last scene do click on the video icon on the TV screen to see an excellent documentary about Tom’s work created by Finley Olley.
Enjoy the tour.