Solas Stories : Creative Resource for Early Years Education

Solas Stories is an An Lanntair Full Circle education and outreach initiative, designed to support young children’s creative learning.  Resource boxes were gifted to Sgoil Araich and Nurseries in Lewis and Harris.

Solas Stories comprises three books on the theme of light and dark (English language books accompanied by Gaelic translations and storytelling videos). Here on our island, around the middle of June we have zero hours of darkness, turning the concept of night and day on its head. Conversely, in the midst of winter it never seems to get light at all and we wonder if the sun will ever return! With this in mind, we have chosen stories that address not only the physical experiences of light and dark, but the feelings and emotions that are associated with them.

Solas Stories is a fully-comprehensive resource with art materials, hand-held percussion instruments and an attractive collection of props and visual aids.  There are suggestions for songs, rhymes, movement games and art activities to accompany each book, plus explanatory notes and videos for teachers to aid delivery.  The pack is available in English or Gaelic.

Below are videos by Music teacher Heather Moger provide song demos and ideas about how to use the activities, and the stories re-told in Gaelic by Calum Fraser: