Bring your class to An Lanntair for a fun end of term outing and learn about the new exhibition of paintings by Alastair Gordon – AIR CHALL AIR A MHACHAIR: LOST ON THE MACHAIR. The paintings are a form of trompe l’oeil (deceive the eye) illusionism, and were made from the artist’s trips to Lewis and Harris. He paints realistic assemblages of paintings, wooden boards, found objects and the tape holding them together.
The children will tour the exhibition and talk about the artworks together before making their own ‘secret sketchbook’. Inspired by Gordon’s trompe l’oeil trickery, pupils will experiment with making fake wood effect covers for hand bound sketchbook with secret pockets. Ideal for drawings their adventures in and collecting treasures during the Summer holidays.
Available: until the end of term on limited dates
Language: available in English or Gaelic
Duration: 1.5hrs or adaptable to fit your day trip
Cost: free
Max capacity: 24 children
Contact Moira on 01851 708493 or moira@anlanntair.com to book a visit for your class