Latest CafeBar News!

  • Published on: 21st October 2022
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Following the departure of Elior, we are now working on a new CafeBar that will be introduced with limited yet quality services soon! Keep an eye on our social media for relevant updates.

Às dèidh dha Elior falbh, tha sinn a-nis ag obair air Cafaidh/Bàr ùr a chur air dòigh, le seirbheis a bhios na bu fhreagarraiche agus fìor-mhath. Cumaibh sùil air na meadhnan-sòisealta againn airson an fhiosrachaidh as ùire.

The CafeBar will be open for events including cinema, live music performances and the upcoming Faclan book festival. 

Tapadh leibh,
An Lanntair