Glass sculptor, Shaun Fraser announced as the winner of 2016’s An Sùileachan Residency.

  • Published on: 16th March 2016
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Press release
16 March 2016

An Lanntair and the Bhaltos Community Trust are delighted to announce Shaun Fraser as the An Sùileachan artist in residence for 2016. The residency has been set up to provide time and space to research, explore and create in a landscape of outstanding natural beauty that has a strong linguistic and cultural heritage. Based on the Bhaltos peninsula, on the Isle of Lewis it is hosted by the Bhaltos Community Trust.

Scottish artists Marian Leven and Will Maclean were originally commissioned to design a suitable monument based on their understanding of the local culture and history of the land raids in the Western Isles. The resulting memorial cairn was the recipient of the Saltire Public Art Award. Since their commission Will and Marian have helped to create and support the An Sùileachan residency in partnership with the Bhaltos Community Trust and An Lanntair. This year’s residency is supported by “Bealach”, the Lewis and Harris Creative Place Award winning project.

Marian & Will said: “I am sure that we speak for the An Suileachan Residency committee. We were delighted with the response from over eighty applicants and frustrated that we had only one award to give to so many exciting proposals from a wide range of the arts.
In the final round the decision to offer the residency to Shaun was fairly unanimous. We wanted to build on the success of last year’s residency and continue to work with and through the Bhaltos community. Shaun’s work is innovative and introduces a new language using glass combined with local materials.
As an emerging artist he will benefit from the opportunity to make new work and in return will engage with Bhaltos community. He will introduce new skills and leave a legacy for the An Suileachan archive.”
Shaun Fraser is a glass sculptor and visual artist based in the Scottish Highlands. Shaun is a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art with an Honours Degree in Glass. Currently studying at the Royal College of Art in London, his glass castings have been featured in exhibits across the U.K. and he has received awards for his glass work in his native home of Scotland.
Shaun commented: I’m delighted to have been selected for the 2016 An Sùileachan residency. I look forward to spending my time on Lewis developing new work in response to the island landscape and in collaboration with the local community. Lewis has, for a long time, been a pull for me. I’ve visited the island on several previous occasions whilst developing thoughts for past work and very much look forward to this opportunity for further development in a place of outstanding natural beauty that has a strong linguistic and cultural heritage.
For more details please visit the website at

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Notes to editor:
• For more information on the residency please visit –
• The residency is in partnership with the Bhaltos Community Trust and An Lanntair.
• An Lanntair is a multi-disciplinary Arts Centre in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis.
• An Lanntair is working with a diverse partnership of organisations across the Isles of Lewis and Harris to deliver the Bealach Project, our Creative Place Award winning project.
• An Lanntair is one of Scotland’s leading contemporary art galleries having previously hosted exhibitions as part of Artist Rooms and Generation.
• An Lanntair hosts Faclan, The Hebridean Book Festival, each year in October.
• Our main supporters are Creative Scotland, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
• For more information on Bealach please visit –
• For more information on Shaun Fraser please visit: