The Rewilders by Lindsay Littleson
Faclan Oga authors talks for schools
Scotland was once a country of enormous forests, peat bogs and wetlands, where wolves, bears and lynx roamed freely. But how would we feel and how would we cope if large predators were reintroduced to modern Scotland?
In The Rewilders, Esmé and school ‘bad boy’ Callum, take on a dangerous mission to return a lynx kitten to the wild in the Scottish Highlands. During the event, I will read a couple of exciting extracts from the story, discuss the pros and cons of bringing back large predators to Scotland and lead a hands-up quiz about which animals are native to Scotland. Hopefully pupils will be inspired to discover more about the rewilding movement.
Suitable for P4 – 7
Tuesday 8th November 2022
10am – 11am An Lanntair, Stornoway
1.45pm – 2.45pm Tarbert Community Library
Contact moira@anlanntair.com to make a booking for your class
Supported by Scottish Book Trust’s Live Literature scheme.