Recorded workshop for Primary Schools
Catrìona Lexy Chaimbeul: Òran Mo Sheanar
Workshop suitable for P4 -7 Gaelic
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“Le uisg is le grian, bidh sinn uile a’ fàs. Gheibh sinn latha agus oidhche, gheibh sinn beatha is tàmh.”
Seo an t-òran a bhios Seanair a’ gabhail a h-uile latha nuair a bhios e fhèin agus ogha a-muigh a’ cur sìol. Gabhaidh na bliadhnaichean seachad agus fàsaidh na craobhan nan coille fhad ‘s a dh’fhàsas am balach àrd agus làidir. Tha Seanair a’ fàs aosta agus às dèidh latha dòigheil, mus tèid e a ghabhail tàmh, bheir e am poca sìl do ogha. Tuigidh esan a-nise gum feum e cumail suas òran a sheanair.
Òran mo Sheanar is the new, award-winning children’s book by Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul. In this workshop, Catriona will read from the book and share a range of creative writing activities related to it’s themes, including the passage of time and growing up. We’ll play with story structure, create original characters and try to imagine what our own lives will be like in the far distant future. The workshop is suitable for primary 4-7.