* Tel-ØY-graphic system

Thurs 19 and Fri 20 Oct

Book Tickets Online

Call: 01851 708 480

In this creative workshop and shoreline event with Dr Saoirse Higgins we will create an island ‘Tel-ØY-graphic system’ messaging our current island centre view from the Isle of Lewis out to the rest of the ‘world archipelago’ in this ‘lost’ (caillte) state of the Anthropocene.

In order to do this we will create an island flag system, inspired by marine nautical flags, semaphore systems that will display our ‘toponymic’ island message to be transmitted out to other islands and beyond.

* Tel-ØY-graphic system = comes from telegraphy-a communication system + ØY- an old Norse word meaning island


Thursday 19 Oct, 2pm – 5pm
An Lanntair Community Room
Using a selection of flag parts provided by the artist, we will together design, discuss and decide what island words and symbols to use that represents our current island state and arrange the components onto each flag. Similar to semaphore or marine flags messaging the current state or situation of a marine vessel at sea, this Tel-ØY-graphic system will call out our current island state framed by the surrounding sea. Come along with an interest in place and language, topology of islands and surrounding seas, flags; and in collectively manifesting how our island is surviving in an era of the Anthropocene. Equipment and materials provided.


Friday 20 Oct, 12pm – 1pm
Coll beach
Meet together on the shoreline with our creative ‘Tel-ØY-graphic system’. Standing side by side we will record the time and date and send out our island message. The performance will be documented with film (no identifiable faces if required) to be transmitted to global recipients and added to a future archipelagic archive. The island flag system will be included and displayed in the remaining time of the exhibition.  This event is weather dependant and may be subject to change.


Saoirse Higgins’ exhibition CEÀRN LÈIRSINN: ANGLE OF VISION runs in An Lanntair’s gallery until 24th November.


*image: Coast telegraph, semaphore or signalling post at Scheveningen, 1799.