Taisbeanadh Fiadh-bheatha nan Eilean : Outer Hebrides Wildlife Exhibition

20 June – 12 August 2023

Ed Lewis, Great Northern Divers

Mar phàirt den Fhèis Fiadh-bheatha nan Eilean, tha RSPB anns an Innse Gall air luchd-ealain agus dealbhadairean an cuid ealain le fiadh-bheatha nan eilean a thaisbeanadh. Tro ealain agus dealbhan, tha sinn a’ faicinn nas mionaideach na h-eòin agus an fiadh-bheatha a tha timcheall oirnn agus tha seo a’ toirt dhuinn cothrom a bhith a’ smaoineachadh air cho mìorbhaileach is cho cudromach sa tha iad. B’ e seo aon den na h-adhbharan a chaidh an Fhèis Fiadh-bheatha a’ stèidheachadh.

A’ taisbeanadh an cuid ealain is dealbhan bi Ed Lewis, Clare Fowler Potts, Phillipa Hare, Debbie Cullis, Stephan-Marie Aust, Margarita Williams, Margaret NicIlleathain agus Leslie MacKenzie.

As part of the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival, RSPB in the Outer Hebrides have asked local artists and photographers to showcase artwork based on the local wildlife of the islands. Through art and photography, we can get a glimpse of the identifying features of the birds and wildlife that live around us and a chance to think about how wonderful and magnificent they are, one of the reasons the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival was established.

Exhibiting will be Ed Lewis, Clare Fowler Potts, Phillipa Hare, Debbie Cullis, Stephan-Marie Aust, Margarita Williams, Margaret MacLean and Leslie MacKenzie.