Cuirm ùr bheothail mu bhith coimhead ris an àm ri teachd, air ainmeachadh an dèidh a’ cheathramh òran as fheàrr leam le Hot Chip (obair àlainn le Phoebe Bridgers). Mar a chaidh fhaicinn/a chluinntinn air Live At The Apollo, Mock The Week, Live From The BBC, Jon Richardson’s Ultimate Worrier, Fighting Talk, The Now Show, It’s Not What You Know, agus ag ithe cheapairean Subway aig stèiseanan connaidh.
“Endlessly amusing hour from the politest man in comedy” (****, the i).
“Not an ounce of flab on his routines… a joy” (****, Telegraph).
“A self-deprecating dweeb par excellence, on the brink of comedy’s Premier League” (****, Evening Standard).
Over 14s only – likely to be swearing and adult content.