Chan ann mu bhall-coise a tha seo idir! Ullaich thu fhèin airson oidhche de chomadaidh a tha air leth èibhinn. Tha e dìreach air cuairt air leth soirbheachail a chrìochnachadh, an gille againn fhèin a tha sgeadaichte san fhèileadh agus a tha a’ dèanamh air ais chun An Lanntair airson feasgair spòrsail, èibhinn. Bucaibh tràth!
‘Flat-out hilarious… I’ve not heard a room laugh so long and hard… There isn’t anyone better at working a crowd… the audience was in absolute paroxysms of laughter… Genuinely funny.’ ★★★★★ (Mirror).
‘Funny as hell!’ (Scotland on Sunday)
‘Riotous!’ ★★★★★ (Herald Sun, Australia)
‘Wickedly subversive… Funny, charming, charismatic’ (Metro)
‘Hilarious… delightfully fizzy tone and sharp observational jokes… Brilliant!’ (Daily Record)
‘Master of audience interaction’ (Chortle)
‘Priceless… … A laugh-out-loud performance from beginning to end… An hour with Hill makes for a cracking show.. absolutely hilarious!’ ★★★★ (List)