Chan e Talamh a th’ann Fhathast / Not Yet Earth : Madeline Mackay

1 Mar - 8 Apr 2024

Tha na snaidhmean ‘sna pàtranan a tha seo mar dhòigh eile a’ bhi coimhead air ar corp.  Chan e a bhi ga choimhead gu lèir, na dhìomhaireachd gaorrachd, glèidhte grinn am broinn craiceann, ach troimhe fosgladh na crìochan eadar an taobh-staigh ‘san taobh-muigh, eadar fèin is eile.  Tha an obair-sa a’ ceansneachadh na Ioidhnichean eadar na h-àrainneachdan a-staigh ‘sa-muigh, ‘sa bhuaidh a th’aig ar suidheachadh inntinneil air ar corp.


The knots and patterns made of meat that underpin the imagery in Not Yet Earth offer a different way of looking at the body.  Instead of considering it as a self-contained whole, its gory mysteries neatly shrink-wrapped in skin, the works open up the boundaries between inside and outside, body and not body, self and other.  They question the lines between internal and external environments and examine how our mental state affects our bodies and vice versa.


Madeline Mackay is a Scottish visual artist, currently living and working in Glasgow.  She completed her MFA in Printmaking at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, and her BA (hons) in Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee.  She has exhibited in juried, group and solo exhibitions in the UK, Canada, the US and Croatia.  Her work is held in collections including the Royal Scottish Academy, Northlands Creative, SGCI Archives, University of British Columbia and University of Alberta Art Collections.