
Dih 16 Lùna

Ceannaich Tiocaidean

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Brandon Breyer (Jackson A. Dunn) stars in Screen Gems' BRIGHTBURN.

A dark twist on the classic superhero legend. Imagine a child from another planet crash-lands on earth and is found to possess amazing powers. But imagine that, instead of growing up to be a heroic figure, the boy becomes something far more sinister and dangerous…

The cult buzz around this superhero horror drama has been intense. With James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) on board as producer, and scripted by his brother Brian and cousin Mark, this tense and thrilling film has great genre credentials and cult movie status seems likely.

David Yarovesky / USA 2019 / 1h30m / 15 – Contains strong gory injury detail, violence, language. / Cast: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Matt Jones, Christian Finlayson, Jennifer Holland, Abraham Clinkscales.