Following his shocking photographs of dead albatross chicks and the diet of plastic that killed them, Chris Jordan’s film is a call to action to repair our broken relationship with planet Earth.
The journey of ALBATROSS began in 2008 as a collaboration between Chris and friend, activist/photographer Manuel Maqueda. Studying the newly-emerging issue of ocean plastic pollution, we learned of a stunning environmental tragedy taking place on a tiny atoll in the center of the vast North Pacific Ocean.
They immediately began planning an expedition there, and on their first trip to Midway Island in September of 2009, their team photographed and filmed thousands of young albatrosses that lay dead on the ground, their stomachs filled with plastic.
The experience was devastating, not only for what it meant for the suffering of the birds, but also for what it reflected back to them about the destructive power of our culture of mass consumption, and humanity’s damaged relationship with the living world.
This screening is free we will be having a collection for the film’s producers at the screening. Albatross is being given to the world as a new-paradigm gift-economy offering. The main ways it will spread is by word of mouth, social media, and hosted screenings. An Lanntair are screening this film following a customer request.
Even a small amount will make a difference, and all incoming funds will be applied to help bring Albatross further out into the world. We invite you to join in whatever ways inspire you, to carry the transformational story of our beloved birds to awakening hearts everywhere – https://www.albatrossthefilm.com/