Join our slow session designed for young musicians from Primary 7 and above, where you can learn tunes at a comfortable pace and play in a group setting. Whether you’re new to playing an instrument or looking to gain more experience, this session is open to all.
Youth Trad
Wednesdays in Term Time
Young people aged 12 – 16 can take part in a series of creative challenges including drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture – each leading on from the last.
Art Studio
Fri 14 Feb
Young people ages 12 – 16 can learn film making skills as they work together to storyboard, film and edit a mini film in only 1 day. Join film-maker Zoe Patterson Macinnes and actor Catriona Hill for this fast paced creative opportunity.
Film-making Intensive
Mon 17 Feb
Clàr is a weekly arts workshop for 14 – 25 year olds with a focus on technology and digital media.
Clàr: Game Design
Wednesdays during term time
Comhairle and Eilean Siar and Who Cares? Scotland invite you to celebrate National Care Day with staff and Care Experienced children and young people. They have created an exhibition themed around mental health, their accomplishments and work throughout the last year.
National Care Day exhibition
Fri 21 Feb
Art Lab is a creative space for young people from S1 – S6. You can explore your own ideas and make art work using the materials and equipment on offer. You can also try out different creative projects each week on your own or in a group.
Art Lab
Fridays during term time
Youth Theatre (for S1+) will develop skills and techniques in young performers and theatre-makers.
Youth Theatre
Saturdays during term time