Faclan: the Hebridean Book Festival was founded in 2006 and now takes place during the celtic festival of samhain – ‘beyond the equinox, the cusp of winter’.

You can read more about our previous festivals at the links below:

2024:  Beatha is Bàs : Life & Death

2023:  Caillte : Lost

2022:  Buisneachd : Witchcraft

2021:  Eileanan :  Saoghalan nan Aonar : Islands: Worlds in Isolation.

2020:  Ar Muinntir ‘S Ar n’AiteStrictly Local

2019:  Human Nature

2018:  Feagal : Fear

2017:  Ultima – Thule

2016:  Cuan Siar : North Atlantic

2015:  Fuil : Blood

2014:  The Past is a Foreign Country

2013:  Pilgrimage & Journey

2012:  Creideamh : Belief

2011:  An Dà Shealladh : Second Sight