Baring Foundation
The Baring Foundation is an independent foundation which protects and advances human rights and promotes inclusion. It supports the arts through various programmes and its current focus is on the arts and mental health.
An A-Z of trusts and funds that provide support to artists, plus sources of advice.
The Baring Foundation is an independent foundation which protects and advances human rights and promotes inclusion. It supports the arts through various programmes and its current focus is on the arts and mental health.
An educational resource for young designers thinking of starting their own business. Includes links to resources for young designers, and a business start-up guide.
The Dewar Arts Awards are proud to support the brightest and best of Scotland's young artistic talent.
Funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and ability to achieve change for the better.
Foundation Scotland offers a number of funding awards, made up of money from the many different funds we distribute on behalf of companies, individuals, charitable trusts and community benefit funds.
The Hope Scott Trust was set up by the late Mrs Hope Scott to help promote Music and the Visual Arts in Scotland. The Trust allocates a proportion of its resources to help musicians with commissions or grants for musical events and it also helps artists and sculptors (with a particular focus on emerging artists) with grants for exhibitions, catalogues and travel etc. Preference is given to applicants who are Scottish by birth, or live permanently in Scotland.
Hope Scott Trust
Paul Hamlyn Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-makers in the UK. Find out which fund is right for you and if you are eligible to apply at their website.
Travel to learn – return to inspire…
We fund UK citizens to investigate inspiring practice in other countries, and return with innovative ideas for the benefit of people across the UK.
The Women’s Fund makes grants to projects across Scotland that support women’s development, self-sufficiency and social and economic equality.
Established in 2002, the Fund has distributed almost £2m in grants to over 700 community groups and local charities run by or for women.
Women's Fund for Scotland/
A large directory of funders for individuals and charities related to young people.
Youth Link Scotland/