Creative Learning Partnerships

An Lanntair can offer Creative Partnerships to Primary schools in the Western Isles.  Class teachers can request to be paired with an artist (musician, poet, visual artist, actor or any other art-form) to jointly develop and deliver a creative project for your class.  This can be a great way to explore a class topic further and meet the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes for the Expressive Arts.

You as a school identify the desired learning outcomes for a creative project and An Lanntair will contact a small number of suitable artists for you to select from.   The teacher and artist will have a planning session to jointly write a lesson plan which they will deliver together over 2 or more sessions.  An Lanntair will pay a fee to the artist and provide the materials and equipment.   Depending on the artwork the pupils create, An Lanntair will arrange for an online exhibition, showcase, recording or printing.   The teacher and artist will both be asked to write about their experience of the collaboration.  8 Creative Partnership opportunities are available.

For more information on how we can support your school with an (online) Creative Partnership, contact Moira Macdonald on 07754 113108 or


Photograph from a Creative Learning partnership between teacher Ellis Macleod in Sgoil an Rubha and Artist Alice Macmillan .  The children learned about the protest artworks of Sister Corita Kent and made their own prints.