Building our Islands Architecture Project Launched Throughout the Outer Hebrides.

  • Published on: 21st September 2016
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Press release

21 September 2016

“Building Our Islands” – Architectural Discovery in the Outer Hebrides.

A project for everyone in the Outer Hebrides to learn about and engage with their built environment through workshops, illuminations, art and photography. An Lanntair and The Western Isles Architecture Group have come together to create and deliver a dynamic and innovative architecture project throughout the Outer Hebrides as part of the 2016 Festival of Architecture. Entitled “Building Our Islands” the project will raise awareness of architecture and the built environment in the Outer Hebrides and create a legacy by highlighting key buildings in local communities and their cultural significance.

The project will officially launch this August with an invitation to people from across the Outer Hebrides to select the buildings they wish to see included in the project! We are inviting everyone from the Butt to Barra to vote for their favourite building from a shortlist compiled by local architects and experts. All people have to do is visit and the Building Our Island page to find the survey and have their say. The short list of buildings will be announced on the 21st of September when voting will begin. You can find the full list of buildings and place your vote here – and more on the project over all here –

The project aims to work directly with schools and local communities to raise awareness of local architecture specific to each island. An Lanntair will be delivering the education programme in partnership with Tighean Innse Gall. It will highlight the importance of architecture and the impact it has on everyday life, on health and wellbeing, on the local economy and how it can enrich our lives in a variety of ways. Special educational booklets have been developed, in both English and Gaelic and will be delivered throughout the Outer Hebrides. To find out more and book workshops for your school please contact Kathryn Lamont Smith at An Lanntair –

The project is supported by HIE and CNES along a number of other funders, including Tighean Innse Gall, The Royal Institute of Scottish Architects and The Big Lottery Fund Awards for All. This project aims to include as many people as possible and provide an opportunity to educate various communities about the impact of their own built environment. The main aim of the project is to encourage children and adults alike to learn about their own built environment and to educate communities about local architecture and design.

The project will also focus on highlighting and profiling, the often overlooked, architecture of the Outer Hebrides and bringing this to a national audience. The project will be delivered in Gaelic and English to encourage knowledge (and use) of language and culture. The Project also collaborating with photographer John Maher.

Ian McCulloch, HIE’s Head of Regional Development said: “As the lead funder, HIE is delighted to support a project which will produce valuable impacts in raising awareness of the built environment, highlighting the historic and current contribution from the area’s construction sector. This project, which will work across the Outer Hebrides, will add to other trails of interest including Food & Drink and Archaeology. We look forward to seeing the various buildings lit to showcase their individual characters”

Building our Islands will provide the opportunity for everyone in the Outer Hebrides to learn more about buildings and heritage in their own communities. It will also create a legacy that will support and promote the unique architecture of the Outer Hebrides.

For more details please visit the website at

For more information please contact: or on 01851708488

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Notes to editor:
• An Lanntair is a multi-disciplinary Arts Centre in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis.
• For more information on WIAG please contact –
• An Lanntair is working with a diverse partnership of organisations across the Isles of Lewis and Harris to deliver the Bealach Project, our Creative Place Award winning project. For more information please visit –
• For more information on the Festival of Architecture 2016 please visit