Palimpsest: Society of Scottish Artists

18 May - 29 Jun 2019

‘Palimpsest’, featuring artwork by 24 leading artists from across Scotland and beyond, opens to the general public on 18 May 2019. Join us for the opening on the Friday 17th at 5pm.

Originally inspired by the idea of Palimpsest, ‘something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form’, this exhibition includes a unique selection of artworks create in response to this concept.

The exhibition is the result of an ongoing partnership between the Society of Scottish Artists and An Lanntair.

Download our Palimpsest gallery packs to help younger people and children enjoy and interact with the exhibition during their visit.

Palimpsest Gallery Pack – Gaelic
Palimpsest Gallery Pack – English

Exhibiting Artists

Marion Archibald, Juliana Capes, Jessica Copping, Joan Doerr, Pippa Gatty, Su Grierson, Susie Leiper, David Lemm, Kirsty Lorenz, James Lumsden, Norman McBeath, Gillian McFarland, Celine McIlmunn, Martin McKenna, Mary Morrison, Marcel O’Connor, Jenny Pope, Ray Rankine, David Smith, Gerry Smith, Karen Spy, Sonja Witts, Christine Wylie and NOTES Journal (Melanie Letoré, Anne Campbell, Frances Scott, Nina Bacos, Gordon Orr, Lachlan Young)

Participating artist Juliana Capes will perform a live piece that uses performance as a form of spatial drawing or image making. Inspired by the colours of the Hebridean sky the piece tests how a description can evolve in layers with each new layer redrawing the layer underneath. Performance dates – 17th at 6pm and 18th of May at 1pm. 

Join James Lumsden and Sharon Quigley, co-curators of  ‘Palimpsest’, for an informal talk and tour of the artworks – Find out more here. 

Image: David Lemm, Landmarks, screenprint on found admiralty chart (detail).