Làrach Hebrides Showcase at Society of Scottish Artists
29 Jan – 8 March 2018
Làrach (meaning a mark, impression, site, print or footprint) features artists who live and work on Lewis and Harris. Each exploring how the unique landscape and a strong sense of place are deeply interconnected with the language, identity, culture and history of the islands. Works by former Buzzcocks’ drummer John Maher, Anne Campbell, Fiona Rennie, Moira Maclean, Jon Macleod, Beka Globe, Alex Boyd, Steve Dilworth are presented alongside Jessica Danz’s re-scored early Icelandic documentary film Ísland í lifandi myndum. Làrach is a collaboration between the Society of Scottish Artists and An Lanntair arts centre, Stornoway.
Fore more information please visit – http://lanntair.com/scotlands-leading-art-societies-join-forces-open/