Artists deliver top-tips in new Art Bites series

  • Published on: 12th April 2021
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Ever left pondering ‘how did the artist do that?’…

Now you can find out from the creative minds themselves as An Lanntair recently commissioned artists to create our new series of artist instructional videos – Art Bites.

A number of artists from a wide spectrum of artforms were commissioned to share their secrets and top-tips with you to try out by yourself.

The first five Art Bites artist instructional videos are now available to view in the Education section of An Lanntair’s website, each delivering a different ‘how-to’, from photography to vocal tips!

You can join artist Philly Hare to discover needle felting techniques; create your own charcoal drawing with tips from Jemima Hall; learn how to layer your music tracks using a Loop pedal with musician Nicky Murray or hone your vocals with voice artist Katie Wills; and photographer Skaiste Klaniute delves into double exposures in his video tutorial.

Enjoy and keep an eye our as more artist instruction and top-tip videos will be added to our Art Bites series in the future.