Drama Club will explore drama techniques as a way of building confidence, creativity, and communication. The P1-P3s will learn basic drama skills such as building confidence, teamwork and developing characters and creating their own stories. The P4-7 class will work with scripts and we will also create some of our own work. We will learn about different aspects of theatre such as how to build character, movement, and devising.
10.15am – 11.15am: P1 – P3
11.30am – 12.30pm: P4 – P7
These classes are usually held in the auditorium, or occasionally in the community room when the auditorium is in use for an event. Children should be accompanied into the building and collected promptly at the end of each class.
You don’t have to attend every week – just book the classes you can come to. Participant numbers are limited to 15 per class for Primary classes. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water.
We can make tickets available free of charge for children who would benefit from Art Club, but for whom cost would be a barrier. Contact moira@anlanntair.com or joe@anlanntair.com for details.